ENS offers an extensive range of services in relation to the measurement and prediction of noise within three primary sectors: Environmental Acoustics, Building and Architectural Acoustics and Industrial Acoustics.

Industrial Acoustics
Industrialnoise may present a problem both to employees working within a noisy environment and to nearby residential dwellings and other commercial premises. The Noise at Work Regulations exist to protect employees from the possibility of hearing damage. Stricter regulations are coming into force in the near future.
The current Noise at Work Regulations (1989) impose strict limits on employee noise exposure levels and require the employer to have employees’ noise doses assessed by a competent person.
Failure to adhere to the regulations could potentially leave employers exposed to prosecution by the Health and Safety Commission (HSC), as well as litigation from employees.
Towards the end of 2002 the European Union published a new directive, the Physical Agents (Noise) Directive. This developed from a 1993 proposal to control exposure to a number of physical agents (noise, vibration, electromagnetic radiation, etc) by means of one directive.
The complexity of imposing one system of control on these diverse agents has resulted in the development of systems for each individual agent.
The new directive on noise will be implemented in the UK by the Control of Noise at Work Regulations 2005, which include two peak exposure action values and a peak exposure limit value. These will replace the single peak action level of the current Noise at Work Regulations (1989).
As a consequence, noise at work assessments in the near future must be undertaken in line with the requirements of the forthcoming legislation, which will impose even strict limits on noise levels.
We have considerable experience in carrying out noise at work assessments and also in providing education and training to personnel responsible for workplace health and safety to become competent to carry out such assessments.
An example of a recent commission in the occupational acoustics sector has included an assessment of the implication of the forthcoming Noise at Work Regulations (2005) on a major manufacturing business in the north.
Given the increase in complaints about noise from industrial sources in recent years, such noise is being increasingly limited by a number of regulatory bodies.
Noise emissions from industrial sites now require detailed measurement and prediction to establish their environmental impact. Clearly, complaints from the public over an industrial noise source could lead to severe restrictions being placed on the operational activities of a business.
We have been involved in many schemes concerning complaints from the public over industrial noise emissions, from the perspective of both the complainant and the industrial business.
This experience allows us to provide realistic assessments of potential noise nuisance and, if necessary, advise on practical, cost effective noise mitigation measures. In our experience, simple changes to operating practices and controlling noise at source will often prove to be the most appropriate solution.
Examples of recent commissions in the industrial acoustics sector have included:
Implementation of best practicable means in response to a noise abatement notice issued to an industrial company in the North East.
Assessment of the noise impact from a major manufacturing works on nearby residential properties, which resulted in significant changes being made to the management regime of certain operations and the imposition of mitigation measures.
A noise survey and assessment of the impact of retrofitted odour control units at a sewage treatment works in the northwest on the nearest residential dwellings.

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